Reno, NV - With all your might you swing the bat and launch
the ball towards the outfield fence. The adrenaline is pounding
in your heart and your legs are pumping as fast as they can carry
you. You leap that last stride with the crowd going wild, but all
you hear as your foot touches the base is
'HONK!' You just
scored your first BLASTRUN! BLASTBALL!® is a new and exciting
game for the entry level of play for Baseball or Softball, or just
great fun for the family in your own back yard.
Bryan Bravard, a parent and coach developed BLASTBALL!® about
2 years ago in Des Moines, Iowa. Inspired by the desire to keep
young children interested in America's game, Bravard noticed how
quickly kids were becoming bored with such entry level sports as
T-Ball. "We're asking kids to play chess, when they should
be playing checkers", Bravard says. By revising the game to
suit the needs and interests of young players and by incorporating
the audible, patented BLASTBASE, BLASTBALL!® has captured the
hearts of children everywhere. It has also captured the interest
of youth leagues, school districts, community rec. programs and
even Major League Baseball®.
In the past decade, what can best be described as an exodus from
the sport has taken place among youth players. Many attribute this
decrease to the over-stressing of competition, pure boredom from
the T-Ball experience, lack of leadership and even the poor behavior
of adults. "Research shows that the kids aren't challenged
by the game of T-Ball, therefore they don't go on to play in youth
leagues or high school. BLASTBALL!® is our solution to this
problem because it puts the FUN back into play while still teaching
kids the basic fundamentals of the game," said ATEC President,
Gene Grant.
A huge success in test markets, BLASTBALL!® generates continuous,
fast-paced play that provides exercise and recreation, creates enthusiasm
and teaches players the fundamentals of hitting, catching, throwing,
fielding and running. "And they just love the sound of the
BlastBase," Bravard says.
Requiring little in the way equipment, facilities commitment or
budget, BLASTBALL!® is ideal for parks and recreation departments,
elementary schools PE programs, youth leagues, after-school programs
even backyard play. BLASTBALL!® calls for a game set, 3-5 players
and a play area such as a backyard, empty lot or park. A BLASTBALL!®
game set includes one BlastBase, BlastTee, BlastBat, 2 BlastBalls,
a Cone and Line Marker. Mitts, helmets, extra bats, cleats and uniforms
are not needed. Both the bat and ball are a soft, molded material,
adding a safety aspect to the game and allowing it to be played
indoors as well as outdoors. The only base, the BlastBase is audible
and emits a loud 'Honk' whenever a player steps on it.
"This is the game that will put the FUN back into the game
for our youth", said Jim Lefebvre, former Major Leagueä
player, coach and manager. "BLASTBALL!® can be played by
anyone, anytime and anywhere. Kids love BLASTBALL!® for its
simplicity and fast-paced action and, most importantly it's fun"
say 2-time Olympic Gold Medallist Sheila Douty, first base for the
USA Softball Team.
ATEC will be introducing BLASTBALL!® to the market this summer
through sporting goods dealers and other retailers nationally. You
can learn more about BLASTBALL!® by visiting the website at
www.blastball.com, or calling ATEC at 1-800-998-ATEC and asking
for Ed Scott, Director of Marketing.